5 Vaccines You Need to Stay Healthy This Winter

Our goal is simply to provide this information as helpful advice to stay healthy and active. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider first! This article may provide some helpful talking points or questions to start the discussion.

** Source: Adapted from this article. 


It’s hard to believe it’s already 2018, and we are in the midst of winter! Wildly fluctuating temperatures and cold extremes can truly wreak havoc on our health. With that said, we recommend older adults stay up to date on the following five vaccines.

1- Flu vaccine
It protects against Influenza, the common cold-weather infection that causes chills, fever, aches, cough, and headaches. We recommend anyone over the age of six months old should obtain this vaccine, however, it is especially dangerous for seniors.

2- Shingles vaccine
This is recommended for anyone age 65 and older. It is a one-time vaccine helping to prevent this painful rash that comes from the same virus as Chicken Pox.

3- Tetanus vaccine
While you likely received your first tetanus vaccine as an infant, you should get booster shots once every 10 years, even into old age. Tetanus can cause painful locking of muscles all over the body and can be fatal.

4- Pertussis vaccine
This vaccine prevents Whooping Cough – which can become so severe as to cause broken ribs and passing out. Again, you likely received your first vaccine in adolescence. You should then receive a booster between the ages of 19-64 and then again after the age of 65.

5- Pneumococcal vaccine
This prevents lung infections like pneumonia and meningitis. There are two types of vaccines, called PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) and PCV13 (Prevnar 13). After age 50, you need both types. Speak with your physician about your personal needs. Preventing pneumonia is important, as it is the eighth leading cause of death if people over the age of 65.